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Getting to grips: students and lecturers learn about the renovation and retrofitting underway on their home turf.

On 23 March, members of the BRICKER team in Liège, Belgium, reached out to students and lecturers, delivering a set of presentations about the retrofitting works that started a few months ago at their industrial engineering college.

It was the team’s first opportunity to showcase their work at this demonstration site, enabling the audience to get to grips with the BRICKER concept to enhancing energy efficiency in public buildings

Some 80 people, including around 20 lecturers, attended the event which consisted of three presentations, each focusing on a key element of the retrofitting interventions. After Gabrielle Masy (HEPL) opened the afternoon’s proceedings, Raymond Charlier (SPB) gave a round-up of the various renovation and passive strategies before Luc Prieels (Greencom)went on to examine ventilation and heat capture techniques. This was followed by Sylvain Quoilin (ULg) who presented ORC co-generation.