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News from the BRICKER network

BRICKER attends the 4th annual Energy Efficient Buildings Public Private Partnership Impact Workshop in Brussels.

BRICKER coordinator Juan Ramón de las Cuevas along with Francisco Rodriguez from Tecnalia, and Noemí Jimenez-Redondo from CEMOSA, both from the BRICKER consortium, attended the European Commission’s 4th EeB PPP impact workshop in Brussels on 1-2 April.

This workshop was a large event and brought together members from some 111 EeB projects, EC representatives and E2BA. The objective was to assess the impact of PPP and to explore ways to enhance the reach of projects through clustering and other types of cross-project collaboration. Over the two days, a plenary session addressed Horizon 2020, examined viewpoints from industry and highlighted some EeB success stories rated as projects with high-level impact and outcome. One such project that was presented by José-Lorenzo Vallés, Head of Unit at DG RTD, was the SEEDS project, co-ordinated by BRICKER partner Noemí Jimenez-Redondo from CEMOSA.

Parallel workshop sessions were also held and grouped projects according to their specific fields. BRICKER was presented at a session within the theme “Integration and demonstration of technologies for EeB”. As part of this, a subset of six other projects and BRICKER exchanged on the specific topic of “solutions for energy-efficient renovation of non-residential or historic buildings” and a joint presentation was delivered by Silvia Zanolin from EURAC, also one of BRICKER’s partners. Following this particular work session, contacts have been made with the six other projects with a view to possibly clustering some activities and to create synergy in the future. 

The final agenda of the event, the presentations in the parallel sessions, success stories and presentation from the plenary session can be downloaded here.